ZA003 N787BX came in for a touch and go on an EWA flight.
N787BX was moved from the factory to the paint hangar on January 23, 2010.
N850GT arrived from Huntsville this morning, the ground crew attempted to load a thrust reverser beginning at 11:30 am, at 6:00 pm they were still trying to get it in the airplane. Maybe third shift will have better luck.
GTI609 N850GT taxis to 34L for a flight to Hong Kong.
A 787 was moved from the EMC to the flightline tonight.
WE261 Etihad Airways A6-ETK back from a customer flight.
WE261 Etihad Airways A6-ETK back from a customer flight.
Boeing flightline.
Did the two ANA 787's get delivered?