ZB281 Qantas 787-9 line 1035 on the flightline for EME in-tank inspections. Goes to the paint hangar May 1 for a repaint.
1C211 Qatar Airways 737 A7-BSE back from a fuel flow meter WSRD flight.
ZB947 Qatar Airways 787-9 line 1063 arrived from Victorville April 17, goes to the factory tonight for NOE rework.
ZB948 Qatar Airways 787-9 line 1069 arrived from Victorville March 30, goes to the factory tonight for NOE rework.
WH001 777-9 N779XW was ferried from Boeing Field to Victorville for rapid rotation takeoff performance testing.
WH002 777-9 N779XX is scheduled for wing anti-ice and engine de-ice testing April 19.