Emirates A6-EGA returning to the Boeing ramp after first flight.

Delta Air Lines N710DN customer flyaway to Sea-Tac Airport, requested an unrestricted climb to 5000 feet.
Exclusive takeoff photo from Royal S King here.
ANA JA785A returning from a test flight.
An LCF arrived in the evening with a 787 nose from Wichita.
N5017Q does a high speed taxi on 16R, exits at Alpha 7 and cools brakes on the Alpha taxiway for 20 minutes before takeoff on 34L.
747-8F N5017Q departed Paine Field on it's first flight at 2227z and was joined by chase T-33 N109X after takeoff. BOEING 521 flight landed at Boeing Field at 0059z.
N747BC to Glasgow Prestwick Airport.
N787BX off Paine Field at 1755z.
N787BX takes the runway as N787BA heads north over the field before making a right turn to the test track in eastern Washington.
Exclusive photos from Royal King:
Delta Air Lines N710DN initial engine run.
787 aft fuselage section unloaded from N780BA.
N747BC inbound from Charleston.
After conducting test conditions in eastern Washington, BOEING 001 N787BA landed at Boeing Field at 0158z.
N249BA to Charleston.
N747BC to Charleston.