Monday, February 27, 2023

Paine Field February 27

ZB666 Korean Air 787-9 HL8390 ferry flight from Victorville.
United Airlines 787-10 N17015 departed on a delivery flight to Denver.  
WH001 777-9 N779XW will be ferried from Boeing Field to Victorville this week for VMU takeoff testing. 

A one hour high power engine run was conducted this afternoon on WH003 777-9 N779XY on the Everett flightline.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Paine Field February 24

GE9X S/N 61011 and 61021 started on 777-9 N779XY. WH003 returns to flight test next week.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Paine Field February 23

ZC049 United Airlines 787-10 N13014 functional check flight. Customer flight scheduled for March 3.
ZE488 Air Premia 787-9 line 1082 was moved out of the factory this week, NOE rework complete. Goes to the paint hangar March 7.
WH142 ANA 777-9 line 1633.
WH002 777-9 N779XX departed Boeing Field for autoland testing at Great Falls.
VH007 KC-46A 19-46007 departed Boeing Field on a flight acceptance test, KC-46 N464KC provided AAR support.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Paine Field February 22

WF316 China Airlines 777F line 1738 was moved out of the factory last night.
ZB280 Qantas 787-9 line 1019 was moved out of the factory last night for EME rework.
VT737 Air Tanzania 767 line 1300 was moved out of the factory tonight to the Everett Modification Center paint hangar.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Paine Field February 20

The 100th KC-46A 41 section arrived from Wichita this morning.This is for line 1312.
VH090 KC-46A line 1299 on the 40-51 apron.
United Airlines 737 N47280 departing on the delivery flight to Tampa.
ZB987 Juneyao Air 787-9 line 1009 is in stall 101 for EME rework.
WH002 777-9 N779XX departed Boeing Field for autoland testing at Amarillo.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Paine Field February 17

WF344 China Cargo 777F B-222Z departed on a B-1 flight.
VH010 KC-46A line 1104 is scheduled for a B-1 flight February 20, then will be ferried off-site for repaint March 1.
WH002 777-9 N779XX  will go to KCOS for autoland testing February 20.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Paine Field February 16

Planned B-1 flight canceled for WF344 China Cargo 777F B-222Z, taxi checks only today.
WH002 777-9 N779XX departed Boeing Field for autoland testing at Moses Lake.
WH003 777-9 N779XY is scheduled for engine runs on the Everett flightline February 21, then a functional check flight February 24.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Paine Field February 15

1K018 Bonza 737 line 7653 B-7 flight from Boeing Field, parked in stall 201B.
At the fuel dock: 20-46080, 20-46079.
Atlas Air 747-8F N863GT arrived from KCVG this morning for a ceremony at the Delivery Center. Air China Cargo 777F B-222S departed on a delivery flight this evening.
Thrust reversers and fan cowls were installed today on WH003 777-9 N779XY, it goes to the paint hangar to be weighed on February 17.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Paine Field February 14

ZB903 China Eastern 787-9 line 990 is on the flightline for electromagnetic effects in-tank rework.
VH082 KC-46A 20-46082 returning from the B-2 flight.
Air China cargo 777F B-222S is scheduled for a delivery flight on February 15.
VR307 UPS 767 line 1304 enters final body join tonight.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Paine Field February 10

VH090 KC-46A line 1299 on the 40-51 apron.
Air China Cargo 777F B-222S departing on a C-2 customer flight.
1C310 United Airlines 737 N47280 ferry flight from KGYR.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Paine Field February 9

Air China Cargo 777F B-222S customer flight.
Lufthansa 787-9 D-ABPE departing on a customer flight.
Today the left engine was hung on WH003 777-9 N779XY.
WH002 777-9 N779XX departed Boeing Field for turbulence testing.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Paine Field

VH082 KC-46A 20-46082 departing on a B-1 flight.
VH007 KC-46A 19-46007 is scheduled for a flight acceptance test from Boeing Field February 10, VH002 KC-46A N464KC will provide aerial refueling support.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Paine Field February 7

Air China Cargo 777F B-222S departing on a B-2 flight.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Paine Field February 6

ZE273 Gulf Air 787-9 line 1085 is back on the flightline, join verification rework complete.
WH002 777-9 N779XX departed Boeing Field for turbulence testing at Moses Lake.
WH003 777-9 N779XY will have the left engine installed tomorrow, instrumentation is being installed this week for flight test reactivation.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Paine Field February 3

ZB887 Lufthansa 787-9 D-ABPE departing on a functional check flight.
ZE272 Gulf Air 787-9 line 1039 A9C-FI was ferried from Victorville February 2, goes to the factory February 7 to begin NOE rework. ZE273 Gulf Air 787-9 line 1085 was moved out of the factory last night, join verification rework complete. Delivery flight scheduled for March 31.
WH002 777-9 N779XX departed Boeing Field for autoland testing at Grant County Airport. Here it is returning to BFI in the afternoon.