Friday, July 30, 2010

Paine Field July 30

Qatar Airways A7-BBH returning from a test flight.

Continental Airlines N79521 touch and go.

FedEx N856FD returning from a test flight.

N365SW headed to ATS Hangar 1.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Paine Field July 29

EIA5121 N780BA inbound from Glasgow.

Boeing Fire gives N780BA a water cannon salute to mark the last LCF flight with an Evergreen Aviation crew. Cargo of horizontal stabilizers remained on the airplane tonight.

ANA 787 JA804A has just been moved from the tent at stall 116 to ATS Hangar 3.

China Cargo B-2078 delivery flight to Shanghai.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Paine Field July 28

Front of the tent at stall 116 is being removed, ANA 787 JA805A was moved here on March 25 for side of body modifications.

Qatar Airways A7-BBG delivery flight to Doha. A7-BBH will be delivered August 4.

N609SW to Oakland.

N222GY to KLNK.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Paine Field July 27

Cargolux N5573S to Marana.

Dreamliner 6 and 22 appear to have been moved back to Boeing property.

YF456 Norwegian Air Shuttle N1796B touch and go.

British Airways G-STBB in the 40-24.

DEEPC39 P-3C 161007 touch and go.

VAQ-135 EA-6B NH500 BuNo 163399 low approach.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Paine Field July 26

N787BA inbound Paine Field for a landing on 34L and departure back to Boeing Field on 16R. Flying with the static pressure cone today.

Aviation Technical Services will be doing maintenance work on the Atlas Air LCFs, N718BA was at Hangar 1 today.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Paine Field July 25

Cargolux N5573S low approach.

Returning to the Boeing ramp after a test flight.

N787BA low approach.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Paine Field July 23

Cathay Pacific Cargo 747-8F is moved from the factory to the flightline and an Atlas Air 747-8F is moved to the number one position in the 40-22.

China Cargo B-2078

Qatar Airways A7-BBH first flight.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

747-8F Update


747-8F BOEING 503 N5573S has just received clearance from Paine Field to Grant County Airport.

Off Paine Field at 0115z.

Exclusive photo from Nick Dean

At 0414z BOEING 503 recovered at Paine Field, then did a high speed RTO on 34L before returning to the Boeing ramp. Unusual for a B-1 flight to return after sunset. Flightaware landing time is incorrect, the tower closed at 0400z and flight crew may not have closed flightplan with Seattle Center or Seattle FSS.

Paine Field July 22

Continental Airlines N76021 and N77022 delivery flights to LAX.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Paine Field July 21

Air China B-5518 delivery flight to Honolulu, the 800th Boeing jet delivered to China.

British Airways 777 move from the factory to the paint hangar on July 20.

FedEx N856FD does a high speed taxi on 16R and takeoff on 34L.

N856FD returns to the nest after a B-1 flight.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paine Field July 20

YF904 Air China B-5518 lands, is parked at stall 110 for a few hours, then towed to Kilo North for a delivery ceremony to mark the 800th Boeing jet sold to China.

GTI4451 inbound from Wichita with a 787 nose, the first Atlas Air operated LCF to deliver a Dreamliner component to Everett.

WF098 China Cargo B-2078 does a low approach and then comes back for a full stop landing to complete a B-1 flight.

YM394 Southwest Airlines N1786B low approach.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Paine Field July 16

SCORE01 VX-20 KC-130R BuNo 160627.

Korean Air HL8210 delivery flight to Incheon.

YL221 JAL Express JA330J touch and go.

Boeing Company Challenger N548BA.

YF042 Hainan Airlines B-5463 touch and go.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

CVN 72

USS Abraham Lincoln underway from Naval Station Everett to San Diego at 7 pm.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Paine Field July 14

WC224 Continental Airlines N77022 taxi test before first flight.

At 0245z, BOEING 003 N787BX is southbound 150 miles south of Everett conducting VHF radio checks with Boeing Everett until radio contact is lost, then they will reverse course and head north. 003 landed at BFI at 0530z and conducted an HF comm check with Boeing Seattle while landing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

787 Move July 13

787 number 22 is moved from the flightline to ATS Hangar 3.

WD951 Korean Air HL8210 does a high speed taxi after returning from a test flight. In the afternoon HL8210 went on a photo flight over the Olympic Peninsula with BOEING 501 747-8F N747EX.
See an exclusive photo from Royal S. King here: Korean Air 777

WD087 Qatar Airways A7-BBG first flight.

Atlas Air Crewed LCF

N718BA ready to depart for Wichita with an Atlas Air crew.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Paine Field July 12

A Boeing truck is unloaded in front of the bay where N787ZA was moved Sunday night.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

787 Move

Dreamliner Six N787ZA is moved from the 40-24 to ATS Hangar 3 Sunday night at 9:52 pm.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Paine Field July 10

FedEx N856FD is at the fuel dock.

Qatar Airways 777, N787ZA, and an ANA 787 in the 40-24.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Paine Field July 9

WC223 Continental Airlines N76021 has just completed a high speed taxi and moves to 16R for takeoff.

HUSKY 32 62nd Airlift Wing C-17A 00-0185 touch and go.

YH072 N1786B touch and go on the way to Boeing Field.

VR272 UPS N341UP returning from a test flight.

Dreamliner Six, N787ZA, is still in the 40-24 behind a Qatar Airways 777.

British Airways G-STBA departed on a delivery flight at 0011z.

G-STBA landing at Cardiff.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

JAL 787 To The Flightline

JAL 787 JA821J move from the 45-03 paint hangar to stall 106 on the flightline.

EIA5109 N249BA ready to leave for Anchorage.

China Southern Cargo B-2071 is moved from stall 209 to the 45-03 paint hangar. This 777F and B-2072 were stored at Marana from April 2009 until June 2010 when they were ferried back to Paine Field.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Paine Field July 6

N787ZA in the 40-24.

A 787 nose has just been unloaded from N249BA and is moved to the 40-36.